TRĒOW ist ein neuer Holzwerkstoff, der die nachhaltige Nutzung von regionalen Hartholzressourcen sowie ökologischen Klebstoffen fördert. Das Material nutzt die weniger wertvollen Holzbestandteile, wie Stämme mit geringem Durchmesser und Baumschnitt, zur Produktion eines hochwertigen Plattenmaterials für die Weiterverarbeitung im Interieurbereich. Sein lebendiges Aussehen ist ein visuelles Statement für die nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung und lokale Produktion.
TRĒOW is a new engineered wood product that promotes the sustainable use of regional hardwood resources as well as ecological adhesives. The material uses the less valuable wood components, such as small diameter logs and tree cuttings, to produce a high quality panel material for further processing in the interior sector. Its vibrant appearance is a visual statement for sustainable resource use and local production.
Sustainable Development Goals:
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
GOAL 15: Life on Land
I am Sandra Reith, a Human Experience Designer and Designer for Social Good. In September 2020, I successfully completed my Master’s degree in Design Future Society at the Hochschule Mannheim and the University of Leeds. I believe that we designers have a responsibility for our work. We have to include production processes, materials and resources as well as people from the very beginning. Design offers solutions for wicked problems. This makes it all the more important to approach possible solutions creatively, open-mindedly and experimentally in a way that serves people and nature.
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